News > AI School | Using Artificial Intelligence to boost business results
30 August 2017
AI School | Using Artificial Intelligence to boost business results

October 4th-6th 2017, 15:00-18:30
NCSR “Demokritos” Neapoleos 27, 153 41, Ag. Paraskevi (map)
- How can I utilize Artificial Intelligence to:
- Serve my customers better and at a lower cost?
- Μake better decisions faster?
- Understand my target group better?
- Get real results?
- Should I be afraid that Artificial Intelligence applications will take my job?
- What mistakes should I avoid and how?
At the same time, entrepreneurs will talk to us about real use cases in which AI has led them to success.
Every day, Artificial Intelligence (AI) changes the way we work, search for information, offer services, shop…
Research by Gartner presents “Artificial Intelligence Everywhere” as one of the 3 “dominant mega-trends” in technology. Terms like Chatbots and Machine/Deep Learning are heard more and more often. But what is hype, and what can bring practical results?
In this 3-day seminar, Artificial Intelligence scientists from leading research institutions in the country who collaborate with companies will analyze practical issues such as:
- What are Intelligent Systems, and how can we utilize them in a Business Setting?
- How can we analyze Business Data and Big Data?
- How can we do Brand Monitoring and Sentiment Analysis?
Who is it addressed to?
The seminar does not require high technical training in the field of IT since it is addressed to all executives who want to utilize the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence.
The content will especially help young entrepreneurs, NGO executives, and people preparing to enter the job market.
How will the attendees be helped?
Applied Intelligent Systems
Upon completion of the seminar, you will be able to:
- describe what an intelligent system is and its operating principles (chatbot, artificial intelligence personal assistant, intelligent interface, automatic recommendation engine, etc.)
- describe how different intelligent systems can contribute overall to a business/an organization (customer support, knowledge management, document management, bio-medical applications, decision support, business intelligence)
- list types of intelligence in computing systems and their usefulness in existing environments (mobile devices, industry, e-marketing, high-speed trading)
- understand and apply performance metrics for intelligent systems
- identify risks related to the implementation of intelligent systems
Applied Data Analysis
Upon the seminar’s completion, you will be able to:
- locate useful business data
- understand data analysis techniques
- state ways to utilize big, open, and interconnected data in business data analysis
- list data analysis tools
- identify common mistakes in data analysis
- list text analysis tools
- list visualization tools
Brand Monitoring & Sentiment Analysis
Upon the seminar’s completion, you will be able to:
- list data sources for brand monitoring
- understand the basic approaches of sentiment analysis
- describe the key capabilities and features of brand monitoring tools
- describe uses of sentiment analysis tools in the boxes
- monitoring campaigns
- monitoring branding
- list sentiment analysis solutions
- recognize challenges and pitfalls in sentiment analysis and its use
Indicative Program
1st Day Program
14:30 – 15:00 Sign up
15:00 – 18:00 Applied Intelligent Systems
18:00 – 18:30 Workshop
2nd Day Program
14:30 – 15:00 Attendance
15:00 – 18:00 Applied Data Analysis
18:00 – 18:30 Workshop
3rd Day Program
14:30 – 15:00 Attendance
15:00 – 18:00 Brand Monitoring & Sentiment Analysis
Use Cases Presentation
18:00 – 18:30 Workshop
Artificial Intelligence Expert
George Giannakopoulos is a researcher at the Software & KnowledgeEngineering Lab of NCSR Demokritos ( and Technical Director at the Urban Non-Profit Company SciFY. He holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence and specializes in Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Data Mining. He has worked on several EU-funded projects, such as SYNC3 (synergetic content creation), OKKAM (unique identification of resources), NOMAD (large-scale mining), SemaGrow (distributed semantic querying on open linked data), CLARIN-EL (language resources technology), and YourDataStories (open linked data) in topics such as automatic summarization, large-scale linguistic services and pipelines, distributed semantic query processing, knowledge extraction, and text analysis. He is also the organizer of the MultiLing community, where, through workshops, an effort is made to solve the challenges in the field of multilingual abstract extraction (MultiLing 2011 Pilot, MultiLing 2013 at ACL 2013, MultiLing 2015 Special Session at SIGDIAL 2015).
Prof. Iraklis Varlamis
Assistant Professor at Harokopio University of Athens
Ιraklis Varlamis is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics and Telematics of Harokopio University of Athens. He teaches Database and Knowledge Mining courses, and his research focuses on knowledge mining from texts and the World Wide Web, but also on social network behavior analysis and business knowledge creation and management. He has published over 100 articles in international journals and conferences on the above subjects and has participated in dozens of research projects on data management and knowledge mining.
Founder and CEO at Intellitech PC
Georgios Petasis‘ research interests include natural language processing, machine learning, automated language resource development, ontology learning, and the development of natural language processing infrastructures/platforms. He is the creator of the natural language processing platform “Ellogon”. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Society for Artificial Intelligence, and the founder of the company “Intellitech”, which specializes in natural language processing. Finally, he has been a judge in international magazines and a member of program committees of international conferences. He is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR Demokritos. He holds a Ph.D. in machine learning for natural language processing from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has worked as a collaborating researcher in more than 15 national and European projects, while the results of his research work have been recorded in more than 50 publications in scientific books, journals, and conference proceedings and have been cited numerous times.
Use Cases
Also, executives from recognized companies (such as IBM, Publicis, Innoetics) will present real use cases and discuss what we need to pay attention to to ensure effectiveness in implementation.
The seminar is organized by SciFY in collaboration with the Software & Knowledge Engineering Lab (SKEL) of the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications (IΙT) of NCSR Demokritos.
Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance
More information: 211 4004192,