Teaching Astronomy using Digital Tools

library > Teaching Astronomy using Digital Tools

How can we teach astronomy in the digital age and bring students back to the science that allows them to dream? Since astronomy has been removed from schools, how can we spark even a little bit of curiosity—this incredible learning power—and open up new horizons for them, especially now that the debate about reintroducing it to the school curriculum has been reopened?

This was the goal of this interactive seminar. To provide concrete ideas, practical ways, and digital tools to the country’s educators to help spread interest in Astronomy.

More specifically, SciCo-Science Communication recommended digital tools that can be used to teach astronomy by both individual teachers and educational institutions.

The participants were introduced to experiential and digital teaching methods related to space exploration! They visited educational platforms where they explored games, digital exploratory learning scenarios, and citizen science projects to introduce students to the exciting world of astronomy researchers. But they didn’t just sit at their “desks”; they broke away from traditional teaching and participated in hands-on activities, using augmented reality applications to see our solar system in 3D, drive spacecrafts, and explore the red planet! They left with tools and new contacts with colleagues who share a common vision of turning their teaching into creative game!

Also, SciFY – Science For You presented educational games it has created on the theme of Astronomy: “The Moondiver Xperience”, the new free astronomy game for tablets and smartphones already used by educational institutions, as well as two Astronomy games on the Memor-i Studio platform, where everyone can easily create their own educational game.

The event was addressed to science teachers, representatives of astronomy institutions, both educational and non-educational, students of astronomy and other related schools, and anyone involved in educational activities related to astronomy. As always, the event was open to all interested in the subject matter.

SciFY, SciCo, and INNOVATHENS powered by Samsung, held the 26th SciFY Academy on “Teaching Astronomy using Digital Tools” on Thursday, November 29th, 2018, at 19:00, at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub of Technopolis City of Athens (venue: INNOVATHENS – Gasholder 2, Gazi, Athens).

See the video here