
News > Environment & Health: Participatory Citizens Solutions

23 November 2022

Environment & Health: Participatory Citizens Solutions

Wednesday, December 6 2022 at 18:00-20:00, Online
Join for Free – Registration is required

What can citizens do to improve their environment & protect their health?

The IT company of the Municipality of Athens, DAEM, and the Non-Profit Organization Science For You, SciFY are pleased to invite you to the seminar on Environment & Health: Participatory Citizen Solutions that will take place on Tuesday, December 6 at 18:00, online. Participation is free, and a certificate of attendance will be provided.

Book your free ticket here

The event’s speakers will be distinguished scientists in the field of the Environment, members of environmental and health organizations, and members of Civil Society who deal with participation. Specifically:

  • Associate Professor Dimitris-Frangikos Lekkas from the Department of Environment of the University of the Aegean will talk about the effect the quality of the Environment has on human health and the objectives of the Green European Agreement on the subject. Citizen Science can help change behavior and adopt practices that will contribute to the prevention of pollution and waste production, mitigating the effects of climate change.
  • Mrs. Elli Xenou, Head of Program and Advocacy of the Doctors of the World organization, will talk to us about the effects of the environment on human health and will tell us about actions and projects that contribute to the improvement of both the environment and the health of citizens.
  • Dimitra Tsakanika and Ilia Christantoni, from the IT company of the Municipality of Athens DAEM, will introduce us to the participatory actions and projects that are implemented and that citizens can do to improve their environment and consequently protect their health. βελτιώσουμε το περιβάλλον τους και κατά συνέπεια να προστατέψουν την υγεία τους.
  • Mrs. Despina Halvatzi, Project and Program Manager at SciFY will present us with a participation platform where citizens collaborate to shape policy regarding the environment of their city.

See the event’s program here

The event is addressed to representatives of environmental and health organizations, members of Civil Society who deal with citizen inclusiveness, professionals and academics in the fields of environment, health, and humanities, students of related schools, as well as citizens who participate in participatory actions and projects for the environment, etc. The event is open to anyone and everyone interested in its two pillars: the environment and participation.

The event takes place within the context of the CODE Europe (Co-deciding Europe) project, which lays the foundation for policy co-creation and encourages online participation through e-democracy tools, with the improvement of air quality as a central axis. Citizens become co-producers of air quality solutions to help:

  • Improve air quality in cities and
  • Strengthen democratic societies through crowdsourcing mechanisms.

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Event program:

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More Information

Project managers, DAEM: Dimitra Tsakanika, d.tsakanika [at] daem [dot] grIlia Christantoni, i.christantoni [at] daem [dot] gr

Facebook, LinkedIn, #CODEAthens

Project manager, SciFY: Despina Chalvatzi dchalvatzi [at] scify [dot] org, 2114004192

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Newsletter, #CODEAthens

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