
News > Technology & Active Aging

24 February 2023

Technology & Active Aging

Tuesday February 28th 2023 at 19:00-21:00
Free to Join – Registration required

In the context of the SciFY Academy initiative, SciFY, and INNOVATHENS, invite you to the 41st SciFY Academy on Technology & Active Aging, την Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at 19:00, at INNOVATHENS (venue: Gazi, Athens).

Book your free ticket here

In Greece, almost 39% (Greece in Figures, 2022) of the total population belongs to the 65+ age group, the largest percentage among the EU member states, and forecasts show a gradual increase in the coming years. That’s why this month, we are focusing our educational activity on older adults and active aging through this seminar.

Specifically, the participants will have the opportunity to be informed about:

  • the status of active aging in Greece today
  • tools and programs available to support older adults
  • new technologies that are developed with the goal of strengthening active aging, etc.

First, Vassilis Giannakopoulos, Marketing & Social Impact Manager of SciFY, will show us specific technological tools for older adults and how they could be adapted in such a way as to strengthen active aging and multiply their social footprint.

Then, Evangelia Romanopoulou, Scientific Associate at the Laboratory of Medical Physics and Digital Innovation, Department of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, will convey her scientific experience from academia but also from practical technology applications, for example, one of the biggest projects to empower older adults in Europe.

Then Stelios Pantelopoulos, Director of the Innovation Center of the Italian Maggioli group, will present to us the possibilities of the digital platform Eligencefor “precision mental training” and its evolution into a tool for the research of new forms and methods of mental training.

Finally, Dr. Myrto-Maria, Managing director of 50plus Hellas, Gerontology-Psychology doctor, Psychologist, and Project Manager Silver Guide, will talk to us about the programs and actions of the organization 50plus Hellas as well as about the role of technology for older adults.

See the event’s full program here

The event is addressed to scientists and professionals dealing with older adults and technology, as well as students in the aforementioned fields. The event is open to all those interested in active aging and technology.

SciFY Academy is a series of educational activities open to all interested parties by the non-profit organization Science For You – SciFY for the free dissemination of knowledge. There are over 30,000 beneficiaries so far, and the actions continue.

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Organization Manager:

Despina Chalvatzi: dchalvatzi [at] scify [dot] org, 2114004192

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