News > INDEU – The new project to boost digital inclusion in the EU
21 August 2024
INDEU – The new project to boost digital inclusion in the EU

We identify citizens’ problems related to the transition to the new digital era and propose solutions!
We are proud to announce that along with six other European organizations, we are participating in the “INDEU – Inclusive Digitalization in EU” Project. In this project, we will create a crowdsourcing platform to gather citizens’ views and recommendations on EU digital transformation policy. Our goal is to shape a policy that “leaves no one behind”!
Let’s describe the problem:
Whilst several key pieces of legislation have moved forward within the EU (Digital Markets Act, Digital Services Act, revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive, Regulation on Markets in Crypto-Assets), the digital divide continues to affect specific groups and is exacerbated by the rapid digitalization of European societies. The intersectional digital divide data indicates that much more work needs to be done to bridge this social, economic, and political gap.
The solution we are planning:
Based on this premise, the INDEU project aims to foster a better understanding of citizens’ perceptions of digital policies in Europe by implementing a one-year crowdsourcing process to gather the opinions of the “crowd” on the topic of digital transformation in six countries – Spain, Germany, Belgium, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Romania – selected based on their historical, economic, and digital diversity.
What is the next step?
Proposing solutions to policymakers to ensure that over the next ten years, more and more EU citizens benefit from the new digital age.
INDEU is led by the European Citizen Action Service (ECAS). The consortium comprises a transnational partnership of seven civil society organizations from Eastern and Western European countries.
More information here.
The project is co-funded by the European Citizen, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program (Grant Number 101147200). It started on July 1st, 2024, and will end on May 31st, 2026.