
WHAT WE DO -> PROJECTS -> Taxidiotes

  • We developed an electronic game for disabled children.
  • We cooperated with organizations that support people with disabilities to ensure that it fully responds to their needs.
  • We offered it free of charge, and it’s already being used all over Greece.

The “Taxidiotes” game:

  • Is accessible via computer.
  • Is fully adaptable to each player’s abilities.
  • Can be utilized by parents, educators, and institutions all over Greece.
  • Is very entertaining.

The children:

  • Can play using the keyboard or special “switches”.
  • Can choose to use a dice with colors (if they can’t calculate) or numbers (to practice).
  • Can choose to play longer or shorter levels (if they get tired when they have to stay focused).
  • Can try easier or harder versions.
  • Can play by themselves or versus the computer.

We’d like to thank from the bottom of our hearts the special scientists, established institutions, and Special Schools, such as ELEPAP, KASP-Chatzipatereio, K.K.P.P.A. (Social Care Centre of Attica), Agria Special School in Magnesia, etc.

Utilize it:

Play the game here. (Game in Greek)

Created with the kind sponsorship of the HERACLES Group.


So that disabled children can do the obvious…


Every child wants to have the joy of discovering the world through play, and this was our source of inspiration for the Taxidiotes (Travellers) project. The goal of this action is the equal access of all children to entertainment and technology in a way that is meaningful and suited to their needs. For this reason, we joined forces with people from different areas of expertise to turn the wish into action!

  • Children and special educators loved it, and the feedback we got is moving.
  • Has hundreds of users all over Greece.
  • The game has been communicated to almost all special schools in Greece.
  • Dissemination actions are still taking place at scientific conventions and special schools.