-> LEAP (Games for People with Blindness)
Electronic games for blind children
At a glance
LEAP (Listen – LEArn – Play) is a series of electronic games specifically designed for blind children.
The first game, Tic-Tac-Toe, teaches the children to use the basic computer keys as well as how to navigate in an auditory two-dimensional space.
With Tennis, children perceive movement and speed through three-dimensional sound.
The last game of this series, Curve, is of an educational nature and combines the skills and abilities developed in the two previous games to bring typical optical educational procedures into the auditory space.
Utilization of binaural sound, in collaboration with the Ionian University
Utilize it
Are you ready to play and experience three-dimensional, binaural sound? Put on your earphones for a better experience (if you have headphones, even better), play with the sounds to see which suits you better, and let the match begin!
Play Tic-Tac-Toe!
Your assistants, Ilektra or Theodore, will guide you vocally in the menu when you press Q or W. If you want to change sound during the game, there’s no problem: simply press Q, W, E, R, T and choose a new set of sounds.
Your opponent throws the ball, and you try to send it back. The better you do, the higher your score, and you’ll win prizes! But the higher your level, the better your opponent becomes… Play using the arrows (Right, Left); press ENTER to summon your assistants, Ilektra or Theodore, or start a New Game!
Do you want something smarter and harder? Get ready to hear math differently by playing Curve! Hear mathematical functions play music! Every function corresponds to a different series of notes, which you only have a little time to learn and repeat. Set the time so that the game is always hard. Move using the same navigation keys as in the previous games. Listen closely using the Space and Zero keys, and choose the correct notes with the Enter key to win!
To offer blind children hours of fun and playful learning.
Many games facilitate the familiarization of children of all ages with technology, opening new horizons to education and knowledge. But when it comes to blind children, the image is different. But when it comes to blind children, the picture is different.
The games addressed to blind children are few and hard to access. That’s the need we wanted to cover by creating the series of serious games LEAP, which aim to:
increase the familiarization of blind children with the computer, making it easily accessible in a pleasant and interesting way.
entertain them in a meaningful way, fitting their needs, while also strengthening their education.
improve their sense of space and orientation.
highlight special talents, broaden possibilities, and empower their self-confidence.
develop their autonomy and self-sufficiency.
facilitate social inclusion, increase interaction with their social environment, and with seeing children.
Electronic games for blind children
Thousands of downloads
International distinction for innovation in disability support
5 tournaments between seeing and blind children
Highly evaluated by children and educators of special education