Dr. George Giannakopoulos
Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer
Dr. George Giannakopoulos
Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer
Happy co-founder, Administrator and Member of the Board of SciFY and an unrepentant researcher (at NCSR Demokritos). His dream: seeing SciFY surpass it to make its own way.
Vassilis Salapatas
Co-founder & Chief Financial Officer
Co-founder and Member of the Board of SciFY and proud father of two young doctors. Suffers from overproduction of ideas although he is gradually improving. When he grows up, he aspires to give a definitive answer to the question: "where are my glasses?".
Alexandros Tzoumas
Chief Technical Officer
Ιn a continuous fight with chaos and complexity. Responsible for IT processes, productivity, and establishing a harmonic, pleasant working environment.
Vassilis Giannakopoulos
Chief Marketing Officer Marketing, Social Impact and Business Development
Working dad, trying to solve more problems than the ones he creates. He has a great time doing marketing, fundraising, and increasing SciFY’s social impact in innovative ways. Wakes up annoyingly early.
Dr. Aris Kosmopoulos
Machine Learning Expert & Principal Software Engineer
Develops software under the soothing sound of heavy metal music.. He plays with videogames and tabletop gadgets; occasionally he builds some. He also got a PhD in machine learning, hoping it would help him with gaming…
Paul Isaris
Senior Software Engineer, Scrum Master & STEM Teacher
Lives to learn something new every day, in a constant fight with a plethora of software engineering and project management roles in technology startups, EU projects, NGOs, and open-source projects. When he is not programming he teaches children and teenagers.
Despina Chalvatzi
Project Manager
She works where she chose to volunteer. What more could anyone ask for? And yet at SciFY she found the space to unfold her love for organization and creation. A classic bookworm that never stops being excited by new knowledge and opportunities for development!
Antigoni Poulou
Front-end Developer & Business Analyst
Loves structure; her mind makes connections and categorizes everything in libraries so that they make sense, sometimes only to her. She couldn’t be anything but a programmer! A journey that started in SciFY (and has nothing to do with her studies) but could only be realized here!
Nazeli Papadaki
Marketing Executive & Event Manager
Loves harmony and adores humor! She's interested in psychology because it helps her understand the world and evolve. She likes listening to people to communicate with them meaningfully. Organization and coordination are her strengths; that’s how she ascertains that the work gets done efficiently, and she feels peaceful!
Afroditi Darzenta
Not sure if she’d prefer doing translations or putting on music and do product testing, but what’s sure is that time at work flies by!
Manos C.
Principal Software Engineer / Front-end Expert
His favorite quote: “Whether it happens in a 100 years or a 1000 or a million years, eventually our Sun will grow cold and go out. When that happens, it won’t just take us. It’ll take Marilyn Monroe and Lao Tzu and Einstein and Morobuto and Buddy Holly and Aristophanes… and all of this was for nothing… unless we go to the stars.”
Stamatis Chrysikopoulos
Business Intelligence Consultant
With many years of experience in business intelligence projects, still enjoying diving into complex business processes.
Kostas Papandreou
Full Stack Software Engineer
A curious soul, always wanting to learn cool things about the world around him. Being a hopeless perfectionist, he enjoys working on projects that make his life ever so slightly more efficient. When he's not facing analysis paralysis, you'll find him laughing with friends, strumming tunes on the guitar, or simply cherishing quality time with loved ones.
Fotis Papastergiou
Product Manager
A wandering professional who entered the field of IT out of love. At SciFY, he aspires to work as a product manager, focusing on the fusion of the core elements of technology, society, the environment, and entrepreneurship, to release energy for the benefit of all!
Nelly Savrani
UI/UX & Brand Designer
After many years of wandering in the field of design, she continues to discover how important good aesthetics and effective visual communication are in all aspects of everyday life. A staunch supporter of the saying "As long as I live, I learn"
Kostas Chalaris
DevOps & Infrastructure Engineer
Driven by curiosity and a quest for knowledge, he believes there’s always something new to learn. With a passion for growth and innovation, he strives to contribute his best, while searching for his own answer to life, the universe, and everything (though the answer is 42).